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朱漢威 Jacky Chu 

2007年畢業於SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY,於2007-2012在JLNC9OA任職動畫師及擔任該公司的項目總監。2013年成立根源製作室(TAPROOT STUDIO)。曾於多套真人及動畫電影與電視劇製作中擔任導演、監製、編劇、後期主任及統籌等綱位。參與超過200項廣告、MTV及多媒體製作項目如演唱會視覺設計及LED WALL動畫設計等。 曾代表舊公司到法國康城國際電影展參展。 


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Meet the N.P.C, a contemporary ar6st who has been cap6va6ng audiences with his unique visual language that explores the concept of the 4th dimension and otherworldly experiences. Born and raised in Hong Kong, the

N.P.C always had a fascina6on with other dimensions and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.


The N.P.C began to experiment with different mediums and techniques to bring his vision to life. He found that Polaroid cameras were the perfect tool for capturing the elusive and mysterious nature of the 4th dimension, and he began to create a series of Polaroid photographs that showcased his travels to alien worlds.


The N.P.C’s Polaroids are unlike anything you've ever seen before. Each photograph is a mesmerizing glimpse into a world that is both familiar and completely foreign. The colors are vibrant and surreal, and the landscapes seem to shift and morph before your eyes. It's as if you're taking a peek into another dimension, one that is both beautiful and haunting.


Through his art, it invites us to imagine what it would be like to travel through the 4th dimension and explore the mysteries of the universe. His Polaroids are a testament to the power of art to transport us to new and uncharted territories, and to expand our understanding of what is possible.

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KC Wong

A multi-discipline artist, KC Wong has been involved in illustration & animation production, visual merchandising and art creation. KC has worked on commercial visual communication projects with companies in both Hong Kong and China.

KC is the founder of “Sick Sick Creation" - a creative agency focusing at story-telling, as well as brand building. Cofounder of “ARTube” – establish a art planform which curate art show and dynamic exhibition.

KC brings a depth of experience in visual communication to his creations, with a BA (Hons) in Design and Visual Communication (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2003), and qualifications in Advertising Design and Computer Art and Design.


多元設計師及獨立短片導演,從事設計及藝術創作近20年; 黃家銓(KC)由視覺營銷,產品展示,




Cherry Chui (Cerealwithsoya)





Ric Tse(Tse Ki Piu) is a Hong Kong based photographer who has won numerous photography competitions with 13 champions, including International Photography Awards (IPA), ND Awards, Canon Photomarathon and Metro Photo Challenge (Hong Kong). He works on creative and fine art photography. He had have 3 solo photo exhibitions and published 2 books.


由身攝影師。曾於多個本地及國際攝影比賽中得獎,當中13個為冠軍,包括International Photography Awards, ND Awards, 「佳能攝影馬拉松」及「都市色彩」全球攝影大賽(香港區)。多年來致力從事創意及藝術攝影,作品系列包括「Legography」及「City Puzzle」,作品先後於社交媒體發表,吸引逾十萬人次轉載及瀏覽。曾先後舉辦3次個人攝影展, 出版著作包括「Photo Book: Ric Tse」及「樂高迷你劇場 - Legography x 香港美食」。


Artube 聯同GO Arty及幾位本地藝術家,攜手打造全新沉浸式科幻藝術體驗 – The Muse of Dreams嗯嗯 / 夢裡沉思之實體作品展覽,以本地設計和藝術元素作為創作靈感,在夢裡展現與生活惜惜相關的嶄新官感體驗,舉行多元化的藝術展覽,並轉化成實體與觀眾一起分享。

藝術家名單:KC Wong, RIC, NPC, Cherry

GO Arty實體作品展覽,免費入場,歡迎前來欣賞,設有現場銷售,支持本地藝術的你,可把作品帶回家中 。

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