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Collection : Go on peanuts (繼續花生)
Open for public - Free admission
Monday - Thursday : 11 am - 6 pm
Friday - Sunday : 11 am - 8 pm
Go Arty Shop 219 GO@ PeakGalleria , 2/F , Peak Galleria , The Peak ,Hong Kong

香港資訊發達,一向是花生指數高企的城市。我們已習慣對周遭的花邊新聞都抱著「食花生,等睇戲」的心態。 本地藝術家 John Wu自今年 7月 於深水埗
foreforehead舉辦《食花生世代》二創展覽 後 延續首次展覽中 《花生漫畫》的
角色 概念,將經典 電影 「回到未來」 、 「閃靈」 ; 大熱韓劇「魷魚遊戲」 及 本地
樂壇經典人物梅姐等 化身為 《花生漫畫》內的細路形態, 帶來《繼續花生!
展》, 繼續大派花生,炒熱今個聖誕
John熱愛電影 受到不少電影的啟發 而創作 ,他希望透過二次創作的展覽 令
觀眾 睇 得 會心微笑之餘,亦 提醒大家 要心存希望 ,以食花生的輕鬆心 態 去對抗
「 疫 」 /逆境。《繼續花生!展》展覽期由 2021年 12月 17日至 2022年 1月 3日,於山頂廣場 GoArty舉行 。
* 是次展覽部份展品會有裸露、血腥題材,敬請留意。
With the advanced technology, there are lots of drama happening around us. “Pass the popcorn and this is getting really exciting” are often what we do in these days. After the first solo exhibition “A New Peanuts Era” in July at Sham Tsui Po, a multicultural space, Foreforehead. In conjunction of the concept of his first solo exhibition, John has recreated the concept and held a second solo exhibition “Go on Peanuts”. By transferring the characters from the classic movie, such as "Back to the Future", "The Shining" ; the biggest hit Korean drama "Squid Game" and our music legend, Anita Mui, etc., to the characters in "Peanuts", which bringing a continuous journey for the audience to experience the “Go on Peanuts" Exhibition! Let’s enjoy the show in this Christmas by having more popcorns!
John loves movies and being inspired by them. He hopes the audience can feel the joy and leave with a smile through the exhibition of his second creation. Moreover, he wants to remind everyone to have hope and stay positive to fight against the pandemic. “Go on Peanuts" exhibition period from 17th Dec, to 3rd Jan, 2022 at the Peak Galleria Go Arty
* Some exhibits in this exhibition will have naked and bloody themes, please stay tuned.

Artist -
Jonh Wu

本地平面設計師、插畫師、part-time紋身師,為香港多份報章、雜誌作插畫及設計工作,閒時落手木工製作。於2014 年起以《花生》角色作二創,曾推出不同產品,包括與香港知名鞋履品牌HOAX及英國著名Chunk Clothing合作推出花生人物tee,早前他舉辦了首個個人畫展《食花生世代》,展出一系列die-cut木版畫作。
John is a graphic designer, illustrator, and part-time tattoo artist. He has worked with numerous brands, media and art groups, including “HOAX” a Hong Kong footwear brand and the famous British brand “Chunk Clothing”.
Special Thanks

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