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Collection : DIVINE (「潮」聖)

Open for public - Free admission
Monday - Thursday : 11 am - 6 pm
Friday - Sunday : 11 am - 8 pm

Go Arty Shop 219 GO@ PeakGalleria , 2/F , Peak Galleria , The Peak ,Hong Kong




Andy Ho 是一位國際時裝設計師,香港出生。畢業於香港理工大學, 曾獲得香港時裝設計師協會頒贈香港青年設計大獎、溫莎設計大獎、古氏獎學金、設計創意大獎等。
創辦高級時裝品牌 ANDY HO。將藝術與時裝融合成為「 可穿的藝術」。
每季參與於巴黎盧浮宮的 Carrousel Du Louvre時裝展,以及米蘭 White Milano Show。品牌於多個高端國際著名百貨商店及設計師買手店銷售 - 包括巴黎香榭麗舍大道,芝加哥當代藝術博物館MCA,英國著名百貨商店Harvey Nichols ,米蘭名店 Antonio Gianciti,莫斯科 GUM, 北京新光天地及國貿,科威特 The Avenue Mall,多哈 AL HAZM MALL等。
客戶很多都是國際富豪與名人– 包括 丹麥皇室貴族伯爵夫人Cath Alexandrine Danneskiold-Samsoe,意大利富商貝雷塔槍火家族接班人Umberta Gnutti Beretta (威尼斯雙年展、米蘭波爾迪·佩佐利藝術博物館與布雷西亞博物館基金會 的贊助人) ,印度富商Natasha Poonawalla ( 世界上最大的疫苗生產公司之一的執行董事),北歐富豪CLARA ROSENKRANTZ等。穿著過品牌的香港藝人眾多- 劉德華,李嘉欣,李若彤,盧巧音,鍾嘉欣,官恩娜, 香港小姐冠軍馮盈盈,陳曉華等。
國際媒體報導包括英國廣播公司(BBC News),華爾街日報(Wall street Journal),英國每日郵報(UK Daily Mail),意大利時尚(Vogue Italia),Fashion TV , 中國新華社。 Net中國《新華網》等等。曾經被邀請與施華洛世奇水晶公司 Swarovski 聯乘水晶晚裝系列。2007年,前香港特別行政區行政長官曾蔭權先生訪問其設計工作室。Andy Ho 將特別為他設計的水晶煲呔送給他。
2020 年8月, Andy Ho 的高級晚禮服 被選 於《 Vogue HK》雜誌上刊登封面。同年,他為著名藝人劉德華設計的作品也成為香港文化博物館的藝術收藏品。
對藝術十分熱愛。2021年,Andy Ho首次在香港具有代表性的著名地標太平山頂舉辦他的首次藝術畫展。

Born in HK, Andy Ho is an international fashion designer. Graduated in HK Polytechnic University, he won HKFDA Young Talent Award, Windsor Award, Koo's Scholarship and Creativity Award.
His eponymous brand label “ANDY HO” combines fashion and art to become “Wearable Art”.
Andy Ho launches his collection seasonally in Paris and Milano. His collection is available in prime location of international top luxury fashion retailers in Avenue des Champs-Élysées Paris , Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA), Harvey Nichols Doha, Antonia Milan, Ratti Boutique Italy, GUM Moscow, Amici Di Moda Qatar, AmoRoom Switzerland, Shinkong Place Beijing, etc. …
Clients are international renown tycoon and celebrities – Cath Alexandrine Danneskiold ( Royal Countess of Denmark), Umberta Gnutti Beretta (Italian tycoon, famous Gunmaker and philanthropist ), Natasha Poonawalla (Indian Tycoon, philanthropist and Executive Director of Serum Institute of India) , Clara Rosenkrantz ( Danish Tycoon ), etc. Many top local artists wear Andy Ho’s collection: Andy Lau, Michele Reis, Carman Lee, Candy Lo, Linda Chung, Ella Koon, Miss HK Pageant winners, etc.
His fashion shows won wide coverage of International media like BBC News, US Wall street Journal, UK Daily Mail, Vogue Italia, Fashion TV, China Xinhua Net, etc.. Andy Ho has been invited to crossover with Swarovski to design a crystal couture collection. In 2007, Mr. Donald Tsang, former Chief Executive Officer of HKSAR paid visit to his studio. Andy designed a crystal bowtie to him.
Andy Ho’s couture dress is published on cover of Vogue HK magazine on August 2020. In the same year, his couture oeuvre piece designed to superstar Andy Lau becomes the collectibles in HK Heritage Museum.
He has a great passion at art which inspires his design and art life. In 2021, Andy Ho launches his debut art exhibition in HK’s symbolic landmark Victoria Peak.

Design Works By Andy Ho


Pilgrimage to top haloed fashion legendary designers and distinguished muse icons, Andy Ho pays tribute to fashion via his debut art oeurves.
這次主題靈感來自頂級時裝界大師及傑出時尚繆斯名人, 向時裝界致敬。

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